Word From The Director


Dear friends,

Getting higher education is one of the most significant periods of everyone’s life. To choose the best university for studies you should certainly take into consideration such criteria as university reputation, the quality of studies and employment opportunities for graduates. In Russia, education has always been subject to special emphasis as educated people make up the true wealth of the country. Therefore, Russia is ranked first in the world according to the adult literacy and tertiary attainment rate.

Students make forward looking part of our society and they are very welcome to over 650 Russian state universities. The great choice of more than 500 programs in medicine, engineering, economics and humanities offered by Russian state universities gives an opportunity to find the program you are precisely interested in. The following advantages of Russian higher education are undeniable: highly qualified teaching staff, solid facilities and resources and high demand for graduates among foreign employers. Besides, Russian state universities are about educational traditions carefully preserved by several generations of professors.

Russia undertakes its humanitarian mission by giving the opportunity to get a higher educa-tion in Russia to international students. Russian Government set the priority for training of professionals for international labor markets. Studies in Russian state universities are partially subsidized by Russian Government, making it affordable for families with different incomes. Currently, over 310 000 international students from about 200 countries are studying in Russia. We appreciate each student, and your professional achievement will be the main award for GLOBAL EDUCATION CENTER team. That’s why Universities professors are trying to find an individual approach to each student in order to discover and develop students’ talents and skills.

We warmly invite you to study in Russia – the largest country in the world with a great number of scientists and discoverers, Nobel Laureates, recognized doctors, sportsmen, architects, painters, writers and poets. Russia is a multicultural country with over 190 ethnic groups living there, so you will make friends from different countries. Moreover, you will have an opportunity to travel, conduct research in innovative labs and to undertake internships in the largest companies
GLOBAL EDUCATION CENTER  has been assisting international students in admission to Russian state universities since 1991. With assistance of GLOBAL EDUCATION CENTER team you will be able to become a highly qualified professional. Your dream about high quality and affordable higher education will come true!
Welcome to Russia!
Best regards, Agapov Evgeniy
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